Marta Oliveira Panão



Research Group: RG4 – Renewable energy & sustainability
Job: Assistant Professor 
Room: 8.3.24 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

Eng. Physics (IST), MSc (IST), PhD in Mechanical Engineering (IST)

Scientific Informations



Researcher ID:

Research Gate:

Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Building stock energy models;

Energy Performance Certification and Net-ZEB;

RC modelling of buildings thermal performance;

Demand energy flexibility

Energy sufficiency

Top 10 Publications: 

  1. Simões J.C., Oliveira Panão M.J.N.O., Carrilho da Graça G. (2023). Development of a soft sensor for thermal inertia-based building electrical demand flexibility, Energy and Buildings, 295, 113341.

  2. Melo F.C., Carrilho da Graça G., Oliveira Panão M.J.N. (2023). A review of annual, monthly, and hourly electricity use in buildings, Energy and Buildings, 293, 113201.

  3. Oliveira Panão M.J.N. (2021). Lessons learnt from using energy poverty expenditure-based indicators in a mild winter climate, Energy and Buildings, 242, 110936.

  4. Figueiredo R., Nunes P., Oliveira Panão M.J.N., Brito M.C. (2020). Country residential building stock electricity demand in future climate – Portuguese case study, Energy and Buildings, 209, 109694. 

  5. Oliveira Panão M.J.N., Mateus N.M., Carrilho da Graça G. (2019). Measured and modeled performance of internal mass as a thermal energy battery for energy flexible residential buildings, Applied Energy, 239, pp. 252-267.

  6. Oliveira Panão M.J.N., Brito M.C. (2018). Modelling aggregate hourly electricity consumption based on bottom-up building stock, Energy and Buildings, 170, pp. 170-182.

  7. Fonseca J.N.B., Oliveira Panao M.J.N. (2017). Monte Carlo housing stock model to predict the energy performance indicators, Energy and Buildings, 152, pp. 503-515.

  8. Oliveira Panao M.J.N. (2016). The overall renewable energy fraction: An alternative performance indicator for evaluating Net Zero Energy Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 127, pp. 736-747.

  9. Oliveira Panao M.J.N., Santos C.A.P., Mateus N.M., Carrilho da Graça G. (2016). Validation of a lumped RC model for thermal simulation of a double skin natural and mechanical ventilated test cell, Energy and Buildings, 121, pp. 92-103.

  10. Oliveira Panão M.J.N., Rebelo, M.P., Camelo S.M.L. (2013). How low should be the energy requirements by a nearly Zero-Energy Building? The load/generation energy balance of Mediterranean housing, Energy and Buildings, vol. 61, pp. 161-171.

Projects (10 most relevant): 

SMILE - Sintra Motion & Innovation for Low Emissions (2021/2024)

SATO - Self Assessment Towards Optimization of Building Energy (2020/2024).

Solar potential in the urban environment, PVcity (2015/2108).

Urban data driven models for creative and resourceful urban transitions, SusCity (2015/2018).