Luis Matias



Research Group: RG2 – Ocean, coastal and land surface processes
Job: Associate Professor 
Telephone Number: (351) 21-750-0812 
Extension: 28321 
Room: 8.3.21 
Academic Degree and field of specialization: 

Habilitation in Physics, Geophysics, by the University of Lisbon, 2003

PhD in Physics, Geophysics, by the University of Lisbon, 1996

MSc in Physics, Geophysics, by the University of Lisbon, 1992

Graduation in Physics, Geophysics, by the University of Lisbon, 1984

Scientific Informations



Researcher ID:

Scientific Interests

Main Interests: 

Marine Geophysics and Experimental Seismology. Fundamental Seismology, Seismotectonics and Natural Hazards, Educational issues for high schools. Observations on submarine cables and baleen whale passive acoustic monitoring.


Top 10 Publications: 

Ramalho, M., Matias, L., Neres, M., Carafa, M., Carvalho, A., & Teves-Costa, P. (2022). A sanity check for earthquake recurrence models used in PSHA of slowly deforming regions: the case of SW Iberia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(1), 117-138.

Azevedo, L., Matias, L., Turco, F., Tromm, R., & Peliz, Á. (2021). Geostatistical seismic inversion for temperature and salinity in the Madeira Abyssal Plain. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 685007.

Matias, L., Carrilho, F., Sá, V., Omira, R., Niehus, M., Corela, C., ... & Omar, Y. (2021). The contribution of submarine optical fiber telecom cables to the monitoring of earthquakes and tsunamis in the NE Atlantic. Frontiers in Earth Science, 611.

Vales, D., Havskov, J., Matias, L., & Silva, S. (2020). Evidence of high lateral variations of coda Q from local earthquakes in Western Iberia and its SW offshore area. Tectonophysics, 791, 228564.

Dias, N. A., Téllez, J., & Matias, L. (2020). Insight on the Crustal Stress State in Faial and Pico Islands (Azores), from Analysis of Aftershocks of the 1998 Earthquake. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177, 5169-5187.

Teves-Costa, P., Batlló, J., Matias, L., Catita, C., Jiménez, M. J., & García-Fernández, M. (2019). Maximum intensity maps (MIM) for Portugal mainland. Journal of Seismology, 1-24.

Silva, S., Terrinha, P., Matias, L., Duarte, J. C., Roque, C., Ranero, C. R., Geissler, W.  & Zitellini, N. (2017). Micro-seismicity in the Gulf of Cadiz: Is there a link between micro-seismicity, high magnitude earthquakes and active faults?. Tectonophysics, 717, 226-241.

Corela, C, Silveira, G, Matias, L, Schimmel, M, Geissler, WH, 2017. Ambient seismic noise tomography of SW Iberia integrating seafloor- and land-based data, Tectonophysics, 700-701, 131-149,

Omira, R., Matias, L., & Baptista, M. A. (2016). Developing an event-tree probabilistic tsunami inundation model for NE Atlantic coasts: Application to a case study. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(12), 3775-3794, DOI 10.1007/s00024-016-1367-z

Matias, L., Harris, D., 2015. A Single-Station Method for the Detection, Classification and Location of Fin Whale Calls Using Ocean-Bottom Seismic Stations, JASA 138(1), 504-520. DOI 10.1121/1.4922706

Projects (10 most relevant): 

Coordination of IDL participation to the EU funded project SUBMERSE - SUBMarine cablEs for ReSearch and Exploration. Started May 2023

Coordinator of the FCT funded project MODAS - Monitoring the Oceans with Distributed Acoustic Sensing, started March 2023.

Coordination of the Portuguese Funded project AWARENESS – Assessing vocal behavior of fin whales for robust density estimation from passive acoustics, october/2018 to september/2021.

COST Action ES1301: Impact of Fluid circulation in old oceanic Lithosphere on the seismicity of transfOrm-type plate boundaries: neW solutions for early seismic monitoring of major European Seismogenic zones (FLOWS), 2015-2017, member of the Executive Board.

NERA-Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation, Grant 262330 (FP7), Principal Investigator for the Portuguese Consortium, 2011-2014.

Coordinator of the Portuguese funded bi-lateral cooperation project FCT-CNRST – “Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Alerta Precoce contra Tsunamis no Golfo de Cadiz”, Procº 441.00-CNRST (FCT), 2011-2012.

Coordinator of the Portuguese funded bi-lateral cooperation project FCT-DAAD – “Estudo da estrutura e sismicidade da margem sudoeste Ibérica e Golfo de Cádis”, 2010-2011.

Coordinator of the Portuguese funded project SUMMO/Açores – “Rede Nacional de Geofísica, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 2008-2011.

Portuguese coordinator of the project GO: Geophysical Oceanography, funded by EU, 2006-2009.

Coordinator of the Portuguese funded project SWITNAME: Tectonic Numerical and Analogue Modelling of SW Iberia, 2006-2009.


Books & Chapters (up to 10): 


Teves-Costa, P., Baptista, M. A., Cabral, J., Matias, L., Miranda, M. e Terrinha, P., 2005. Terramotos e Tsunamis, Livro Aberto, Editores e Livreiros, 112pp.

Costa, A., Andrade, C., Seabra, C., Matias, L., Baptista, M. A., Nunes, S. (2005). 1755 – Terramoto no Algarve, Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve, 237pp.

Abreu, M.C., Matias, L.M. e Peralta, L.F., 1994. Física Experimental – Uma Introdução, Editorial Presença, 317pp.

Peixoto, J.P., Santos, M.R. e Matias, L.M., 1993. Aspectos Matemáticos do Problema da Medição em Física, uma Aplicação ao Sismógrafo, publicação nº 19 do IGIDL, 74pp.

Book chapters

Terrinha, P., Kullberg, J. C., Neres, M., Alves, T., Ramos, A., Ribeiro, C., Matias, L., & Luís, J. (2019). Rifting of the Southwest and West Iberia Continental Margins. In The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach (pp. 251-283). Springer, Cham.

Miranda, JM; Matias, L ; Terrinha, P; Zitellini, N; Baptista, MA; Chierici, F; Embriaco, D; Marinaro, G; Monna, S; Pignagnoli, L; 2015. Marine Seismogenic-Tsunamigenic Prone Areas: The Gulf of Cadiz, in: Seafloor Observatories: A New Vision of the Earth from the Abyss, Springer praxis books, 105-125. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-11374-1_6

Nuno Dias and Luís Matias (2012). Relating Crustal Structure and Stress Indicators in the Azores Islands, Earthquake Research and Analysis – Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology, Sebastiano D’Amico (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-991-2, InTech. Available from:

Terrinha, Pedro, Luís Matias, Vasco Valadares, Cristina Roque, João Duarte, Filipe Rosas, Leire Iribarren, Sónia Silva, Tiago Cunha, Luís Batista, Henrique Duarte, Maria Conceição Neves, Gabriela Carrara, Nevio Zitellini, Eulália Gràcia, Marc-André Gutscher, Nuno Lourenço, Manuel Pinto de Abreu. A Margem Sul Portuguesa Profunda, 2011. in Geologia de Portugal, Rui Dias, Alexandre Araújo, Pedro Terrinha e José Carlos Kullberg (editores), 961-987, Escolar Editora.

Afilhado, A., M. Moulin, T. Cunha, N. Lourenço, M.C. Neves, L. Pinheiro, P. Terrinha, F. Rosas, L. Matias, M. Pinto de Abreu. Margem Oeste Portuguesa. Editora Escolar Editora, 2011. in Geologia de Portugal, Rui Dias, Alexandre Araújo, Pedro Terrinha e José Carlos Kullberg (editores), Escolar Editora.

Baptista M. A., Omira R., Matias L., Miranda J. M., Annunziato A., Carrilho F. and Kaabouben, 2011. Chapter 2 – On the Need for a Tsunami Warning System in the North East Atlantic Area (Gulf of Cadiz), in: The Tsunami Threat – Research and Technology, edited by: Nils-Axel Mörner, ISBN 978-953-307-552-5, Hard cover, 714 pages, Publisher: INTECH, pp 13-28.

Conferences (last 15 presentations): 

Duarte, Ana Filipa; Amaral, Inês; Peliz, Álvaro Júdice; Mendes, Renato; Matias, Luis; Azevedo, Leonardo. "Seismic oceanography applied to the North Atlantic". Paper presented in Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (UACE2023), Kalamata, 2023.

Fontiela, J., Afonso Dias, N., Silveira, G., Moreira, M., & Matias, L. (2023, May). Seismicity and crustal structure of the Terceira Island, Azores. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU-14189).

Reis, C., Barbosa, A. R., Istrati, D., Clain, S., Ferreira, R., Matias, L., & Wirth, E. (2023). Tsunami risk management in the Exascale Era: Global advances and the European standpoint (No. GC11-solidearth-24). Copernicus Meetings.

Krüger, F., Heimann, S., Custodio, S., Silveira, G., Matias, L., & Schlaphorst, D. (2023). The seismicity of the Madeira archipelago–hints for active volcanism and/or tectonic faults?. In XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

Duarte, Ana Filipa; Azevedo, Leonardo; Matias, Luis; Peliz, Álvaro; Mendes, Renato. "Seismic Oceanography Imaging and Inversion of the Madeira Abyssal Plain". Paper presented in geoENV22, Parma, 2022.

Custódio, S., Mohammadigheymasi, H., Tavakolizadeh, N., Matias, L., & Silveira, G. (2022, May). Seismicity analysis of Southern Ghana II: Updated crustal velocity model and hypocentral parameters. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU22-5570).

Tavakolizadeh, N., Mohammadigheymasi, H., Matias, L., Silveira, G., Fernandes, R., & Dolatabadi, N. (2022, May). To what extent do slip rates contribute to the seismic activity of faults?. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU22-12893).

Fontiela, J., Afonso Dias, N., Silveira, G., Moreira, M., Carrilho, F., & Matias, L. (2022, May). Seismicity of the Terceira Island (Azores) recorded by a temporary seismic network. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU22-12002).

Duarte, A. F., Facchinei, A., Matias, L., Peliz, Á., Turco, F., & Azevedo, L. (2021, October). Characterizing the ocean with acoustic waves: from seismic oceanography imaging to inversion. In 2021 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea) (pp. 178-182). IEEE.

Pinzon, J., Custódio, S., Silveira, G., Matias, L., & Krüger, F. (2021, April). Ambient noise surface wave inversion using OBS data from the north Atlantic, north of the Gloria fault. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-7188).

Matias, L., Carrilho, F., Sá, V., Niehus, M., Corela, C., & Omar, Y. (2021). Parameterizing the gains in earthquake monitoring using submarine optical fiber telecom cables (No. EGU21-7869). Copernicus Meetings.

Howe, B. M., Angove, M., Arcas, D., Aucan, J., Barnes, C. R., Barros, J., Matias, L. ... & Zuniga, C. (2020, December). SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2020, pp. S059-04).

Matias, L., Omar, Y., Carrilho, F., Sá, V., Omira, R., Corela, C., ... & Loureiro, A. (2020). The contribution of the CAM fibre optic submarine cable telecom ring to the early warning of tsunami and earthquakes (No. EGU2020-13988). Copernicus Meetings.

Silveira, G., Carvalho, J., Pinzon, J., Custódio, S., Corela, C., & Matias, L. (2020, May). Effect of the water layer on seismic noise cross-correlation across the Northeast Atlantic, from Madeira and Canaries to the Atlas-Gibraltar zone. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 18561).


The “Boa Esperança” prize was awarded in 1997 to the team coordinated by António Ribeiro, including João Cabral and Luis Matias for their relevant work in Seismotectonics and Neotectonics published in 1996.